Friday, October 19, 2007


it is so amazing, in a bustling city like Cairo, on a Friday morning...: Silence! ........ well, almost silence, I mean it's still Cairo! But it is amazing. The only other time this occurs is during Ramadan's Iftar, when they are all off to eat their long-awaited dinner.

Except for a few cars and trucks, until this afternoon, Cairo will be (relatively) quiet. After the Friday prayer (which is the major prayer of the week, kinda like the Christian Sunday mass) at around noon, the city will start becoming really noisy again... C' est la vie!Guess you can't have it all.

The thing is: Friday is big prayer day, but it does not mean that there is no business. Shops open (later, but still...) and even on the big building site next to our building is busy on a Friday, although somewhat later!

I had my two hours of relative silence... I do miss that!

have a nice day!

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