Why this blog?

     It all started in October 2007. My brother had started his blog about their life in Montana. Back then, I was living in Cairo, Egypt, with my family. And in Egypt, you can tell a story every day (not that I did, too much of a procrastinator and passive observer to do so...). There are just so many things to be seen, great ones and not so great ones... I might one day travel back in time and show you some of that, too.
     If you are interested in what's going on now, my best friend started a blog after the revolution 2011, talking about Egypt and Egyptians (you might wanna brush up your French for this!)

     In 2008, we moved back to France, and I kept posting some of the things going on ever since (ok, VERY sporadically): the make-over of the house (big job), the garden, the kids... but without really keeping it up.
     Thanks to FB, I found a dear friend from my university days at Western Illinois. She had started this wonderful blog to hold on to and share the memories of then and now for her daughters! It's inspiring, peaceful and FUN to read her blog).

     So what was the question here? Oh yeah, why this blog?  
     A blog as a mirror of everyday life
a blog as a memory keeper for our children
a blog to exhale!!!

Our life, my life! The Joy of life


Le bonheur de vivre - Henri Matisse